Eufy Robot Vacuum Omni S1 Pro Review - Worth the hype?


Eufy Robot Vacuum Omni S1

Eufy Robot Vacuum Omni S1

The Eufy Robot Vacuum Omni S1 Pro has been making waves in the smart home arena. Priced at $1,499 on Kickstarter, this robot vacuum and mop combo promises to take automated floor cleaning to the next level. But is it all it's cracked up to be? Currently, the Omni S1 Pro can be preordered and is schedule for release on June 19, 2024.

This review dives into the key features, performance metrics, design elements, and user experience of the Eufy Robot Vacuum Omni S1 Pro. By breaking down each aspect, we'll determine if this high-end device truly lives up to its hype.

We'll explore:

  1. Unparalleled Cleaning Performance: How does it fare against competitors like the Deebot X2 Omni?

  2. Advanced Technologies: What innovative tech sets it apart?

  3. Design Meets Functionality: Does its aesthetic appeal match its practical use?

  4. Smart Home Integration: How well does it fit into a connected home ecosystem?

  5. User Reviews: What are real customers saying?

By the end, you'll have a clear picture of whether the Eufy Robot Vacuum Omni S1 Pro is worth your investment.

1. Unparalleled Cleaning Performance

When it comes to cleaning performance, the Eufy Robot Vacuum Omni S1 Pro doesn't hold back. This powerhouse combines vacuuming and mopping into a seamless operation that promises to leave your floors spotless.

In-Depth Look at Cleaning Abilities

The Eufy Robot Vacuum Omni S1 Pro is equipped with a high-speed TurboWash roller mop, which rotates at an impressive 170 RPM. This feature ensures that even the most stubborn dirt and grime are effectively lifted off the floor. The mop applies a downward force of 10N, making sure no streaks or tire tracks are left behind. Whether you're dealing with dust, pet hair, or spilled liquids, this robot handles it all with ease.

Comparison with Rival Products

Let's talk about how the Eufy stacks up against its competition, particularly the Deebot X2 Omni. Both models boast advanced mapping capabilities, but the Eufy's TrueCourse Mapping™ powered by dToF LiDAR takes precision to another level. It creates highly accurate floor plans, ensuring efficient cleaning routes that maximize coverage and minimize missed spots.

Time-Saving Potential

Time is of the essence for many of us. The Eufy Robot Vacuum Omni S1 Pro shines here by covering the same area as the Deebot X2 Omni in significantly less time—70 minutes compared to 117 minutes. That's nearly twice as fast! This efficiency can be a game-changer for busy households looking to maintain clean floors without dedicating hours to the task.

Ensuring a Thorough Clean

One standout feature is its wide roller mop design. Unlike traditional robot mops that might leave streaks or tire tracks, the Eufy's design ensures a uniform clean every time. This attention to detail means you get a thorough clean without having to go over areas multiple times.

"The wide roller mop design is a game-changer for anyone tired of streaky floors." - User Review

2. The Power of Advanced Technologies

The Eufy Robot Vacuum Omni S1 Pro is more than just a cleaning device; it's a technological marvel. Let's explore the innovative features that make it stand out.

3D MatrixEye™ Depth Perception System

Eufy Robot Vacuum Omni S1

Eufy Robot Vacuum Omni S1

One impressive feature is the 3D MatrixEye™ Depth Perception system. This system uses a special camera and advanced technology to help the vacuum navigate accurately. It can detect objects and avoid them smoothly, reducing the chances of bumping into things and ensuring a thorough cleaning session.

Imagine if you have toys scattered around or unexpected obstacles like pet bowls. The MatrixEye™ technology can identify these objects in real-time and navigate around them without any issues. This means you don't have to intervene manually as often, allowing the vacuum to work uninterrupted.

TrueCourse Mapping™ Powered by dToF LiDAR

Another game-changing feature is the TrueCourse Mapping™ system, which uses dToF LiDAR technology for precise mapping. Unlike regular vacuums that rely on less accurate sensors, this advanced system can create detailed floor plans, optimize cleaning routes, and adapt quickly to changes in your home layout or new obstacles.

This technology allows the Eufy Robot Vacuum Omni S1 Pro to clean methodically, covering every inch without going over the same spot multiple times unnecessarily. As a result, it saves both time and energy during each cleaning session.

Enhanced User Experience with the Eufy Mobile App

For technology enthusiasts like us, having an easy-to-use app can make a world of difference. The Eufy mobile app enhances user experience by offering convenient features such as:

  1. Convenient scheduling: Set up cleaning times that fit your daily routine.

  2. No-go zones: Define specific areas where you don't want the vacuum to go.

  3. Multi-floor mapping: Manage different floor layouts effortlessly if you have multiple levels in your home.

All these features are available right at your fingertips, making it simpler than ever to keep your home clean without any hassle.

By incorporating these advanced technologies, the Eufy Robot Vacuum Omni S1 Pro not only delivers excellent cleaning performance but also provides unmatched convenience and seamless integration with your smart home setup.

3. Aesthetically Pleasing Design Meets Functionality

Design matters, especially when it comes to integrating tech into our homes. The Eufy Robot Vacuum Omni S1 Pro stands out with its sleek and thoughtful design elements that balance both style and practicality.

Square Shape and Low Profile

One of the first things you'll notice is its unique square shape. Unlike traditional round robot vacuums, this design allows the Omni S1 Pro to navigate tight corners and edges more effectively. It can reach within 1cm of walls and corners, ensuring no dust bunnies escape its path. Its low profile, standing at just 96mm tall, means it can glide effortlessly under low furniture, keeping those hard-to-reach areas spotless.

All-in-One Station

The Eufy Robot Vacuum Omni S1 Pro's All-in-One Station is a game-changer. This station isn't just a self-emptying dock; it's a sleek storage unit that complements modern home aesthetics. The narrow body saves space while providing an elegant appearance. Forget about the mess of manual emptying—this station takes care of it all, from automatic dust bin emptying to wastewater disposal.

Intuitive Touchscreen Controls

Ease of use is another highlight. The intuitive touchscreen controls on the All-in-One Station allow for direct access to features without needing a smartphone. Whether you're starting a quick clean or checking maintenance statuses, everything is just a touch away.

Transparent Water Tank

The transparent water tank adds both functionality and a modern hi-tech vibe. You can easily check water levels at a glance, ensuring smooth operation without interruptions. The ergonomic golden height design makes opening the lid and changing the water tank a breeze.

These design elements make the Eufy Robot Vacuum Omni S1 Pro not just a cleaning powerhouse but also an aesthetically pleasing addition to any home.

4. Integrating Seamlessly into Your Smart Home

The Eufy Robot Vacuum Omni S1 Pro is more than just a cleaning gadget; it's an essential part of any smart home. With its compatibility with popular voice assistants like Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant, managing your cleaning tasks becomes as easy as saying, "Hey Google, start the vacuum." Being able to control it using voice commands adds a level of convenience that fits perfectly into today's technology-driven homes.

Eufy Robot Vacuum Omni S1 features

Eufy Robot Vacuum Omni S1 features

Standout Feature: Anker's Eco-Clean Ozone Technology

One feature that sets the Eufy Robot Vacuum Omni S1 Pro apart is Anker's Eco-Clean Ozone technology. This innovative system uses ozonated water to disinfect the mop roller, ensuring a thorough clean while also getting rid of bacteria, viruses, and fungi. The ozone disinfection feature operates at 0.67 ppm, which is well below the safety standards of 5 ppm set by IEC. However, it's important to note that ozone can be irritating to the lungs, so caution is advised. The device includes multiple safety measures to protect users from any potential harm, and there is a detailed 600-page TUV Rheinland report available for reference.

Benefits of Smart Home Integration

Integrating the Eufy Robot Vacuum Omni S1 Pro into your smart home ecosystem offers several advantages:

  1. Convenient Scheduling: Easily set up cleaning times through the Eufy mobile app based on your daily routine.

  2. Multi-floor Mapping: Effortlessly manage cleaning schedules for different floors in your home without needing manual adjustments.

  3. No-Go Zones: Define specific areas where the vacuum should avoid going, whether it's to protect fragile items or keep certain rooms off-limits.

Having a well-rounded smart home setup with the Eufy Robot Vacuum Omni S1 Pro as its centerpiece means spending less time worrying about household chores and more time enjoying the things you love. Just imagine returning home to impeccably clean floors without having to lift a finger—it's not only about having a tidy space, but also about enhancing your overall quality of life through intelligent technology.

5. Real Users, Real Results: Examining User Reviews

Real-world experiences often paint the most accurate picture of a product's performance. The Eufy Robot Vacuum Omni S1 Pro has garnered significant attention, so let's dive into what verified users are saying.

Aggregating Feedback from Verified Customers

On platforms like Amazon and Best Buy, the Eufy Robot Vacuum Omni S1 Pro has a mix of glowing reviews and constructive critiques. One user highlighted its ability to handle pet hair with ease, something many vacuum owners struggle with. Another pointed out the convenience of its self-emptying dock, which reduces the need for frequent manual maintenance.

Common Themes in User Reviews

Several recurring themes emerge when analyzing these reviews:

  • Cleaning Performance: Many users praise its powerful suction and efficient mopping capabilities. One reviewer noted that their floors were "spotless after just one pass," emphasizing the effectiveness of the wide roller mop design. The vacuum's ability to avoid streaks and tire tracks also received positive mentions.

  • Ease of Use: The Eufy mobile app is frequently lauded for its intuitive interface, allowing users to schedule cleanings and manage tasks effortlessly. One customer appreciated how they could set no-go zones directly from their phone, ensuring sensitive areas remained untouched.

  • Value for Money: At $1,499, there's no denying that this is a premium product. However, many reviewers feel it justifies the cost through its advanced features and high-end performance. A verified buyer commented that it "outperforms other models in this price range," highlighting its superior mapping capabilities compared to competitors like the Deebot X2 Omni.

User reviews provide valuable insights into the daily functioning and reliability of the Eufy Robot Vacuum Omni S1 Pro, making it easier to gauge whether it meets expectations.

Should You Invest in the Eufy Robot Vacuum Omni S1 Pro? Our Verdict

The Eufy Robot Vacuum Omni S1 Pro is a top-performing device with impressive features. Here's what we think:


  • The cleaning capabilities of the Omni S1 Pro are on par with, and sometimes even better than, competitors like the Deebot X2 Omni.

  • Its efficient mapping technology and time-saving potential contribute to its excellent performance.


  • The Omni S1 Pro is not just functional but also visually appealing.

  • Its square shape and low profile allow it to clean hard-to-reach areas.

  • The All-in-One Station serves as a stylish self-emptying dock.

Technological Advancements

Eufy Robot Vacuum Omni S1

Eufy Robot Vacuum Omni S1

  • The 3D MatrixEye™ Depth Perception system ensures accurate navigation and object detection.

  • The TrueCourse Mapping™ powered by dToF LiDAR further enhances its mapping capabilities.

  • The Eufy mobile app offers convenient features like scheduling and multi-floor mapping.

User Feedback

Feedback from users has been overwhelmingly positive, highlighting these key points:

  1. Exceptional cleaning performance

  2. Ease of use

  3. Value for money

Our Verdict

For those in the market for a high-end robot vacuum that combines cutting-edge technology with top-tier performance, the Eufy Robot Vacuum Omni S1 Pro is an outstanding choice in its price range.

Don’t forget to visit the Smart Home IQ Trends page for all the latest Smart Home trending topics as well as our Product Review page for our full library of over 200 smart home product reviews broken down by category.

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